An irregular blog of photos taken of insects and other natural history subjects on my travels around Yorkshire, Britain and Europe. Hopefully you'll find them useful in putting a name to your own specimens but always check your identifications with an expert.


Prince of Wales Park, Eldwick, 19/04/09

I went to Prince of Wales Park, Eldwick again today in search of Green Hairstreaks and managed to find three along with three Speckled Wood and four Peacock butterflies.

Front Garden - Saturday 18/04/09

In between a spot of DIY, I spotted this hoverfly holding territory against all comers in my small front garden. I have identified it, from other pics I took, as Eristalis pertinax. This common hoverfly is widely distributed and can be seen wherever there are suitable flowers.

Prince of Wales Park, Eldwick, 12/04/09

Lots of Eriocrania subpurpurella flying low around the oaks in the park this morning. The larvae of these small micro moths mine oak leaves but the adults do not feed...their only purpose is to reproduce.

Prince of Wales Park, Eldwick - Sunday 05/04/09

I can't believe it's April before my first post of the year...mainly due to the weather but other commitments have also prevented me getting out and about with the camera. Not much insect activity in the Prince of Wales Park in Eldwick as the cold weather earlier in the year has definitely held back the Bilberry but there was the odd bumblebee about along with a very flighty Comma, which I eventually managed to pin down after several attempts.