An irregular blog of photos taken of insects and other natural history subjects on my travels around Yorkshire, Britain and Europe. Hopefully you'll find them useful in putting a name to your own specimens but always check your identifications with an expert.


Bastow Wood 27/06/10

I lead a Butterfly Conservation field trip to Bastow Wood, Grassington on Sunday. We had an excellent day, with plenty of species seen and fantastic, hot, sunny weather. The highlights were nineteen Northern Brown Argus Aricia artaxerxes, twelve Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis aglaja and five Cistus Forester Adscita geryon moths.

Northern Brown Argus

Dark Green Fritillary

Cistus Forester

Green Carpet

Chrysoteuchia culmella

Mill Hill, Shoreham 28/05/10

Following on from the morning visit to Oaken Wood, I carried on to Mill Hill which overlooks the R.Adur at Shoreham. I was hoping to see Adonis Blue butterflies and I wasn't disappointed, recording over 180 along with the odd Dingy Skipper or two.

Lysandra bellargus (m)

Lysandra bellargus (f)

Erynnis tages

Oaken Wood 28/05/10

Oaken Wood on the Surrey/Sussex border is a great place to see all sorts of invertebrates, particularly Wood White and Grizzled Skipper butterflies. However, I was pleased to finally see one of the bees that I've been searching for...the Long-Horned Bee, Eucera longicornis.

Eucera longicornis

Leptidea sinapis

Pyrgus malvae