An irregular blog of photos taken of insects and other natural history subjects on my travels around Yorkshire, Britain and Europe. Hopefully you'll find them useful in putting a name to your own specimens but always check your identifications with an expert.


Skipwith Common NNR, 01/04/12

A problem with my PC has lead to few posts being published over the past year but I have finally managed to get the following photos uploaded from my recent visit to Skipwith Common National Nature Reserve. I specifically went there to try and find Adders but after searching all morning, it wasn't until the afternoon when one suddenly appeared, crossing the footpath in front of me.

Andrena clarkella 

A. clarkella and it's cleptoparasite Nomada leucopthalma 

Adder Vipera berus (male) 

Adder V.berus (close-up) 

Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara


Kerry Netherway said...

Hi Tom, These pictures are great. We've added your species to our growing records for Skipwith Common NNR. If you get any more, please email sitings with date to
Many thanks